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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peach Cobbler Cupcake

I've been staring at my fruit bowl full of peaches for several days now.  I know I make a mean peach cobbler, but could I make a decent peach cobbler cupcake?  I've seen it done on Cupcake Wars, but my internet search for a recipe was unimpressive.  I ended up using a sour cream spice cake recipe into which I folded fresh peaches.  I tasted it as soon as it was cool enough to was very good, even though I burned my tongue on the super hot peach chunks!  Now for the frosting.  I settled on a brown sugar frosting.  I melted butter, brown sugar until bubbly and then stirred in a little milk.  I let that cool and then beat in 2 cups powdered sugar.  It tasted great on the cupcake, but I was still missing the taste of whipped cream.  I had a tub of Cool Whip in the fidge and added a dollup of it to the last few bites of my cupcake.  Two words...DE LISH!  How in the world am I going to get whipped cream onto the cupcake?  The cupcake in the picture shows a Mini Nilla Wafer dipped in Cool Whip garnished on the top along with a fresh peach slice.  It will work if I am serving this cupcake right away.  These cupcakes do not taste good cold from the fridge.  They are OK at room temperature, but taste the best when warm.  I'm thinking about folding fresh whipped cream into the frosting next time.

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