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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcake

So it's been a week since I created the Caralel Apple Cupcake.  I gave the first dozen away and decided to make another dozen for the family.  After we polished of that dozen my husband politely asked me not to bake for awhile.  We mutually decided to give up desserts and cocktails during the week.  That lasted about two days, as I made this last cupcake while drinking a Corona!!  To make the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcake, I first made homemade cookie dough.  I froze 24 cookie "balls" for about two hours.  I baked the remaining dough and got 9 large cookies out of it.  I then made my dark chocolate cupcakes.  I filled the muffin cups about 1/2 full and dropped a frozen cookie "ball" in the middle of each cupcake.  I baked then as I normally would, making sure the cookie part didn't get too dark.  I wanted my cookies to stay "doughy."  They looked perfect after 16 minutes.  When they were cooled, I had a yummy chocolate cupcake with a slightly doughy center and a crispy top.  Russ tasted them without frosting, he loved them.  I needed to frost them though, they looked really ugly!  He suggested a chocolate fudgy frosting.  I settled on a light chocolate buttercream.  The result is fabulous, especially if you're a chocolate fan.  I broke up one of the cookies and used it for the garnish.....YUM!

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