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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chocolate Salted Caramel Cupcake with Peanut Butter Frosting

So here is the the Chocolate Salted Caramel cupcake with Peanut Butter frosting. I really need to shorten the name....any ideas? I made the salted caramel from scratch. I've never made it before. It's very interesting. You basically boil sugar and water until the temp reaches 360 degrees. Then you add heavy cream and sea salt. The kids would love watching this's very cool! It leaves quite a mess in the pan, but it is so worth it! The salt adds the perfect salty to the sweet of the caramel. The peanut butter frosting is to die for. Very light and not too sweet. Russ, Briley, Haven and my neighbor tasted it....two thumbs up!!

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