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Monday, October 4, 2010

Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcake

Enough with the chocolate!  I love fruit flavored desserts and cheesecake, so I created the strawberry cupcake filled with cheesecake frosted with cream cheese whipped cream frosting.  I used a strawberry cupcake recipe I have used before.  It's always gotten good reviews, but I still think I need to work on it.  It calls for strawberry puree.  I think next time I will cook down the strawberries and make more of a jam to add to my batter.  I filled the cupcake tins half way with strawberry batter, made my cheesecake, dollped that on top of the batter, and finally topped the cheesecake layer with more batter.  The cupcakes came out perfect.  They were more dense than usual because of the cheesecake.  Now for the frosting.  I love whipped cream on my strawberry cheesecake, so the trick was to make whipped cream frosting that wouldn't melt at room temperature.  I whipped cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until smooth.  While the whisk was going, I added two cups of heavy cream and whipped it for about a minute.  The result was awesome!  I added some strawberry puree to the frosting, but I didn't add enough so you couldn't taste it. I frosted the cupcakes really high.  These cupcakes were delicious at room temperature, but even better chilled overnight.  I used a fresh strawberry for a garnish and it tasted really good with each bite of cupcake.